Dr. Michael Weir
mweir at wesleyan.edu
Office: 860-685-2402
Lab: 860-685-3218
Michael Weir received a B. Sc. from Sussex University, England, his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, and did post-doctoral work with Drs. Tom Kornberg and Cynthia Kenyon at the University of California, San Francisco.
Weir is Co-Director of the Informatics and Modeling Minor, and a member of the College of Integrative Sciences and Biophysics Program.
Lab members:
Ishani Dave
Pete Hwang
Miki Lynch
Luis Perez
Mitsu Raval
Eric Sakkas
Joyce Sun
Mia Wichman
Evelyn Zhou
Danny Krizanc (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Kelly Thayer (Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science)
Luis Perez, Pete Huang, Michael Weir, Eric Sakkas and Mitsu Raval (L to R) at Molecular Biophysics in the Northeast (MBN2024) conference.